Culture, arts and sport

“We like to actually test what we think, test our hypotheses. That’s where Square Holes as an independent firm can do that. That can at times be scary, the results may not be what we suspect they could be, but at least we are dealing with reality.”

– Mat Kesting, Adelaide Film Festival

Strategic insight to enhance cultural vibrancy

For nearly two decades, Square Holes has been working extensively in the arts and cultural sector. Our research has supported both government and individual arts companies and festivals, including renowned film, theatre, and opera companies. We’ve also worked with technology, start-up, and innovation festivals that contribute significantly to the economy. Square Holes’ research extends to sporting organisations at all levels, from individual clubs to major stadiums. Our cultural research has helped prioritise cultural infrastructure, measure economic and cultural festival impact, and support government funding decisions.

Cultural research applications …
  • Cultural infrastructure prioritisation
  • Economic and cultural festival impact
  • Brand and product development
  • Government and funding evidence support
  • Ad development, testing and monitoring
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