Square Holes Profile: Carolyn Ellis
The Square Holes team are made up of a cohort of researchers and inquisitive minds, poised to sink their teeth into the complex problems of our clients, to deliver insights and a roadmap forward for brands and organisations alike.
Carolyn manages Square Holes’ project recruitment and Field Team and is the engineer behind the right voices making their way into your focus groups and interviews, and the right people conducting your field research and face-to-face surveys. When she’s not whipping us all into shape in the office, she’s exploring a growing obsession with home renovation…
SH: What drew you to this sort of work?
Carolyn: It just happened. When I decided to re-enter the workforce after having children, I was offered a part time role with a record company and ended up working for 3 different labels over the next 10 years. From there I have always worked in aspects of media and advertising throughout my career. I actually drew me in – and I have loved it!

SH: What aspect of your job do you enjoy the most?
C: The variety of projects that come in, the work is interesting and often need some lateral thinking to get best outcomes. You never know what’s happening next.
SH: What do you find most challenging?
C: See above!
SH: What’s a current obsession you have?
C: Home renos – small projects only. I just got my home ready for sale and have learnt how to spack fill, paint tricky spaces, grout, use an angle grinder, refurbish decking, use a silicone gun and more.
SH: What would you like to learn more about?
C: Nothing specific, I am a bit of a sponge and things tend to happen around you that pique your interest and learning comes with that.