Staff Profile: Jenna Bueti
The Square Holes team are made up of a cohort of researchers and inquisitive minds, poised to sink their teeth into the complex problems of our clients, to deliver insights and a roadmap forward for brands and organisations alike.
Recently we welcomed our latest addition to the team, Jenna Bueti in the role of Operations Manager. Jenna has spent 15 years working in media agencies in both London and Adelaide, collaborating with a range of clients from different sectors including Government, FMCG, Real Estate and Travel. She brings with her a wealth of agency knowledge, and a passion for photography and psychology podcasts.
SH: What drew you to this sort of work?
Jenna: Over my 15-year career in media agencies, I found the most fulfilling projects and clients were those that allowed the media agency to collaborate closely with their research agency. I have always enjoyed learning the results from the research projects, whether it be exploring the changes in a brand’s favourability before and after a campaign or unearthing a valuable audience insight while observing a focus group. I am also very curious in nature, so it’s not surprising that I’ve found my way into this industry.
SH: What aspect of your job do you enjoy the most?
JB: The people. I thrive the most when I work with a team of passionate, intelligent, and hard-working people who come together to deliver a common goal. The Square Holes team have not only extended a warm welcome, but are also delivering outstanding work, making me feel very fortunate to join their ranks!

SH: What’s a current obsession you have?
JB: I developed a passion for family photography when my eldest daughter was born 7 years ago. I started out as a self-taught amateur photographer and have developed into a professional family photographer.
I’m also obsessed with psychology podcasts. I find human behaviour fascinating, and there is a plethora of podcasts that I tune into to gain deeper insights into the human mind and its complexities.
SH: What would you like to learn more about?
JB: From an operations standpoint, I’m all about exploring fresh and better ways to work, to support the team to be the best they can be. If there’s a better way, I’m all in!
SH: What’s something you have discovered about yourself since working at Square Holes?
JB: The parallels between media planning and market research. Both disciplines are inherently born from a place of insight-led thinking, and naturally complement one another.
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