Real People: Ayumi
A part of Square Holes recent brand update included a renewed focus on our company’s ethos through the introduction of our tagline, ‘Deeply understanding real people’.
We believe that meaningful change can only come from understanding people and culture. And one of the ways we have decided to illustrate that on our new website is through the introduction of our ‘Real People’ photographic series. Square Holes engaged local photographer Thomas McCammon to go out into the community and photograph individuals and locales, while learning about their stories.
It is our plan moving forward to expand this series into different locations with a number of photographers, as a snapshot of the people and lives being lived around the world. A small insight for our clients and readers into the ‘real people’ driving change.

Name: Ayumi (plus partner and daughter)
Location: Grange
Age: 33
What is something that made you feel joy recently?
Watching my daughter grow and reaching different stages of her milestones. Seeing my close friends have kids.
What is your pet peeve?
When people don’t say thank you and when people tap or shake their leg when they’re sitting.
What do you love about living in your city?
I love how Adelaide is not too big nor too small and can have a change of scenery without long distance travel.
What are you passionate about?
My passion has changed after having my daughter. It’s now about creating a safe and fun environment for her and investing in my friendships! As cliche as it sounds, life’s too short so I want to cherish those around me.