
Credit: Thomas McCammon

Inspired by real people

“We used the data from the research to see where the future of the association was headed, what our members thought of us, where the areas of improvement needed to be, where there may be some dissatisfaction, and what actions we could be taking,” Marissa Hankinson Master Builders SA

Tailored methodology to optimise growth and innovation:

Exploration > Test > Monitor


These projects constitute a deep dive into your customers, markets or culture. This is what you would undertake when you want to strengthen your strategic plan, innovate, enter new markets or remain agile to the changing needs of your consumers. We are flexible in collaborating with internal teams, established relationships of our clients, and scaling our team depending on the mission.

Output: Innovation / Growth Framework, including:

  1. Category / culture exploration
  2. Personas / journey development
  3. Brand positioning and growth drivers
  4. Product innovation roadmap
  5. New market entry pathway

Small data >

Immersion with real people

Engaging with real people in their natural environment through focus groups, one-on-one conversations, observation, and video, ethnographic and semiotic analysis. Insight into behaviours, preferences and values.

BIG data >

A helicopter view of patterns

Trends and patterns through the use of various data, such as surveys, behavioral data and population statistics. Collecting, analysing, and conceptualising primary and secondary data to identify opportunities.

“We engaged the services of Square Holes to look at our service offering and to create a benchmark Net Promoter Score (NPS). We also wanted to look at the different sort of touch points, but also really learn from our autistic clients themselves about what services and support they’re needing, how that’s working, where there might be gaps, and what new programs might be possible.” Belinda Autism SA


Going to market with a new idea? Testing your proposed changes with a community of engaged and candid consumers paves the pathway to success. Permission to be bold and brave, backed by evidence.  

Output: Idea feedback and priorities, including:

  1. Scenario planning and reimagining
  2. Service design and improvement
  3. Brand / advertising development
  4. Product testing and path-to-market
  5. Policy and planning refinement

“The research led to a rethink of our pricing strategy, a rethink about the features of each of our products, and led us to make some small adjustments that we thought were necessary to gain more traction in the marketplace,” George Giannakodakis PointData


Monitoring impact and identifying opportunities to scale innovation and growth. This is the ongoing work of tracking those changes you made with the help of the exploration and testing stages. 

Output: Key performance indicator (KPI) setting and monitoring, including:

  1. Culture and sentiment
  2. Customer feedback / Net Promoter Score
  3. Brand and advertising
  4. Product innovation
  5. New market growth

Research outputs

A key output of Square Holes research is customised and visually clear reports that are tailored to the project and readership. We utilise various media, including video, to communicate research findings and produce interactive dashboards, data visualisations and other insight tools depending on the project needs. Beyond the report, Square Holes is ever seeking to support clients in implementing and optimising their projects for success.

Examples of how our reporting is tailored to clients

An easy to read 30-100 page report is typically provided, tailored with Square Holes contemporary aesthetic styling. This depends on the nature of the project, and can range from a brief executive summary, presentation, to more comprehensive reporting of multiple research methodologies and stages.

For tracking and data rich projects we also create interactive dashboard, data visualisation and other insight tools. This provides clients with dynamic reporting capabilities, real time tracking and enhanced sharing and engagement across teams.

Video and other media is also used where appropriate and budget permits by Square Holes to optimally communicate the research story and key insights to the team. We use both in-house, established freelance and film industry networks to suit all budgets, audiences and client needs, from highlight edits of focus group to more highly produced documentary executions.

Support beyond the research

Strategic frameworks

Building on robust research, strategic frameworks to guide planning and creative development.

Brief writing

Support in writing briefs building on research to send to designers, freelancers and agencies.

Concept testing

Involve users and audience in testing and refining new products, marketing and other concepts.

Strategic support

Project management and other support to help in implementation and optimising Kapow!

Data integrity

Square Holes adheres to the highest local and global privacy and data protection legislation, aligning with best practices in every aspect of our research. We operate under ISO 20252 standards and strictly comply with The Privacy (Market and Social Research) Code 2014, ensuring top-tier data security and confidentiality. Our methodologies are rigorously applied, employing statistical models and representative sampling for precise benchmarking and reliable modeling. We provide secure data storage solutions, essential for our work with government entities and organisations that demand the utmost in data protection. This commitment ensures that our research is not only effective but also ethically sound and legally compliant, facilitating informed decision-making.

Evolving methodologies

Our methodologies have strengthened and evolved with changing times and technologies over the past two decades, however what has remained consistent is our dedication to working with human-curious decision makers to research real people, to grow business and guide the multi-faceted aspects of flourishing cities.

  1. Unique methodology(s) to inspire innovation and drive growth
  2. Two decades of work across government, business and key sectors
  3. Primary data collected, and available for analysis / benchmarks
  4. Highest industry and privacy standards trusted by sensitive sectors
  5. Established team of market research and cultural insight experts
  6. In-house research innovations including platform (community of real people helping to share their lives and support innovation), (helping Australian SMEs to grow globally) and others coming soon
  7. Think! (every Friday 9am) eMag 340+ editions + global subscribers
  8. Solid base of articles and other content for education programs
  9. Research based aligned specialist extensions
  10. Local and global networks of research and strategic collaborators

“The research certainly uncovered many issues affecting our members — and we were able to use that evidence to prosecute our case to SAPOL and the state government.” Mark Carroll Police Association

How can we help you?

Each of Square Holes’ clients is unique. The best first step is an informal discussion – phone or email us. How might research help you to optimise growth, innovation or other aspirations? We work with small to large organisations, and customise options to budget and other realities.

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